
We call him “The Magician”

Our Chef

Meet Chris, our Chef.

Picture him with a Beard, though.

Professional Chefs
Excellent Dishes
Years of Experience
Happy Guests

Excellent taste and Finest Quality

“Good taste has never been a quality to which I have aspired. As a provocateur, I find it extremely difficult to provoke people by attacking them with good taste. Moreover, and not to be too Farrugian, you cannot simply invoke the notion of ‘good taste’ without qualifying it. There is good good taste and bad good taste, just as there is good bad taste and bad bad taste. Bad good taste could be described as something akin to ‘piss-elegant’, a pretentious attempt to be sophisticated and high-minded. In the end, people who loudly proclaim their own ‘good taste’ are often self-conscious snobs, more interested in conspicuous consumption and showing off than in any expression of refinement or style.”

Ritz Mollema | Netherlands

Meet Our Team

Bobby Porter

Sous Chef

Jeremy Elliot


Bianca Powell

Pastry chef

Johnny Jordan

Executive Chef

Eugene Collins

Meat Chef

Jonathan Dean

Desert Chef

Phasellus Dignissim Tellus Euismod

Mauris neque nisi, faucibus non elementum in, convallis et eros. Sed pretium sem libero, vel pellentesque purus ultrices ut. In quis leo id massa pulvinar euismod cursus non justo. Sed sagittis et urna non efficitur. Nulla nec lacus tincidunt.

Our Restaurant Focusing On The Fresh Taste Of High Quality Ingredients

Mauris neque nisi, faucibus non elementum in, convallis et eros. Sed pretium sem libero, vel pellentesque purus ultrices ut. In quis leo id massa pulvinar euismod cursus.